About PTMR

The Polish Society of Family Medicine (PTMR), established in 1999, is an interdisciplinary organisation bringing together all those interested in family medicine, with a particular focus on family medicine specialists. Our goals, mission and vision for family medicine are aligned with WONCA. Our aim is to provide and maintain the highest quality of care for patients in primary care, making a real difference to their health and comfort.


Our mission is to disseminate the latest scientific developments in the field of family medicine in its broadest sense and to encourage family doctors to be creative in their scientific work and to disseminate the results of their research, thereby also inspiring them to continuously improve their professional qualifications, as well as providing broad access to modern, continuous training for family doctors.


As a society for primary care physicians from all over Poland, we provide a platform for these physicians to cooperate with each other and with specialists from various medical disciplines, thus enabling the exchange of experience and information on family medicine. Given the high qualifications, knowledge and experience of the affiliated doctors, our tasks also include providing opinions on legal acts concerning the health care system and the training of medical staff, and participating in discussions on the development of the health care system in Poland, with particular emphasis on family medicine and primary care.


What we do?

The Society delivers its objective by:

  • education of GPs and PCPs in various forms of continuing education
    • congresses, including the largest PTMR Congress in the autumn,
    • training conferences (including a series of GP Forums – regional meetings in 16 provinces),
    • workshops,
    • as well as online training, including:
      • Pain Management Course for GPs,
      • PTMR Resident Academy,
      • Courses on coordinated care in primary care,
      • Course on diagnosis and treatment of insomnia;
      • and others;
  • publishing activities in the field of family medicine (textbooks and journals in family medicine)
    • Family Medicine & Primary Care Review (IF=0.7),
    • Lekarz POZ (The GP);
  • developing recommendations, guidelines and recommendations for diagnostic and therapeutic management for doctors working in primary care, inter alia:
    • Guidelines for the care of patients with diabetes/hypertension in primary care,
    • Guidelines for vaccination against influenza, pneumococcal, hepatitis, HPV, among others,
    • Recommendations for the diagnostic and therapeutic management of cough in children,
    • Clinical recommendations for the management of obese patients;
  • organising scientific and training events;
  • educational activities as part of the activities of 16 sections (e.g. Scientific, Immunisation, Supportive Care and Pain Management, Young Doctors, Co-ordinated Care, Lifestyle Medicine), whose members are actively involved in the organisation of in-patient and on-line events, thereby helping to raise awareness of the issues among both medical professionals and patients;
    local work in branches of the Society;
  • participation of the society’s representatives in the work of teams appointed by the Minister of Health, the accreditation team for PCPs and the State Examination Commission (co-authoring examination questions for the written exam and oral examination of doctors);
  • cooperation with other societies and organisations working for the development of family medicine, primary health care and the training of professional medical staff.



Membership of the Society is open to persons who are medical school graduates, including, in particular, doctors who hold an active licence to practise, the number of which is verified in the membership application process.


All ordinary members of the Society and to honorary members who are granted such membership on account of their activities which have rendered special service to the development and realisation of the Society’s objectives, have the right to vote. Consequently, physicians in the specialisation training in family medicine and other fields may also vote.


Scientific Section of the Polish Society of Family Medicine


There are 16 active sections within the PTMR. Among them, one with the largest number of members and the most active is the Scientific Section, led by Karolina Kłoda, MD, PhD and Mateusz Babicki, MD, PhD.


The section brings together individuals interested in scientific activities in the field of family medicine. Participation in the Section encourages members’ scientific development through the implementation of research ideas, participation in scientific projects and studies, and support in the publication of papers.


We encourage you to learn more about the activities of the Section and its scientific achievements.

Click to read more about section

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Brak wydarzeń na dziś.

Konsultant krajowa w dziedzinie medycyny rodzinnej dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, prof. UMW

Konsultant krajowa
w dziedzinie medycyny rodzinnej
dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, prof. UMW

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