Scientific Section of the Polish Society of Family Medicine

Mission of the Section

The Section brings together individuals interested in scientific activities in family medicine. Research ideas, invitations to participate in research projects, and information about funding opportunities are primarily directed to section members. Members of the section, having their own research ideas, can consult with the section board to receive guidance or feedback. Additionally, when looking to publish their work, they can seek advice on where it would be worth submitting.


The Section can also organize competitions and recommend research grants for family physicians, as well as apply to the board for funding to support these activities. As part of the Section’s work, meetings and workshops are organized during PTMR congresses and other conferences hosted by our Society.

Chair of the Scientific Section

Karolina Kłoda, prof. MD, PhD

A specialist in family medicine. She completed postgraduate studies in „Public Health – Marketing and Management in Healthcare.” She obtained her habilitation degree in medical sciences in 2017. Her scientific output includes over 70 full-text articles, 49 of which have an impact factor (IF) with a cumulative value of approximately 130. Her work has been cited 530 times, with an H-index of 12. She has presented 65 conference reports. Through competitive grants, she has carried out two international projects, one of which she led as the principal investigator, and three national projects.

She is a member of the Main Board of the Polish Society of Family Medicine and the Main Board of the Polish Society for Obesity Treatment, as well as a member of the Polish Society of Lifestyle Medicine. She was part of the team that developed the „40 Plus Prevention” program and has been appointed to the team responsible for drafting the KOS BMI 30 Plus and KOS BMI – Children regulations. Currently, she runs a clinic for the treatment of overweight and obesity in Szczecin and serves as the Chair of the Scientific Section of the Polish Society of Family Medicine (PTMR) and the Section for Metabolic and Civilizational Diseases of PTMR. Special representative on international affairs.

Mateusz Babicki, MD, PhD

A specialist in family medicine and an assistant in the research and teaching group at the Department of Family Medicine at the Piastów Śląskich Medical University in Wrocław. He obtained his PhD in medical and health sciences in 2023. He is a member of the Polish Society of Family Medicine, the Polish Society of Maritime, Tropical, and Travel Medicine, and the Polish Society of Vaccinology. He serves as the Chair of the Infectious Diseases Section and the Scientific Section of the Polish Society of Family Medicine (PTMR). He has authored over 70 full-text articles, 50 of which have an Impact Factor (IF) with a cumulative value of 210.723. His work has been cited 407 times, with an H-index of 13.

He is a winner and finalist in scientific competitions such as „Young Talents,” „Super Talents in Medicine,” and a recipient of the Polish Society of Internal Medicine award. He has also won the „Lekarz POZ” journal award three times. He is actively involved in supporting the community and patients, participating in numerous educational events, conducting workshops, training sessions, and lectures. He collaborates with non-governmental and international organizations such as WHO, UNICEF, and IOM.

Vice Chair of the Scientific Section

Maria Magdalena Bujnowska-Fedak, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

A specialist in family medicine, internal medicine, and geriatrics. A long-time assistant professor at the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical University of Wrocław, and since 2023, a university professor. Author of over 200 scientific publications and numerous chapters in medical textbooks. Reviewer for high-impact scientific journals, including BMC Geriatrics, BMC Public Health, Healthcare, Telemedicine & e-Health, IJERPH, JMIR, and others. Thematic editor for Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Family Medicine & Primary Care Review. Since 2019, she has been the regional consultant in family medicine. Since 1998, she has led a Model Family Physician Practice in Wrocław, providing care for over 3,000 patients, including both children and adults. Her research focuses mainly on family medicine, primary healthcare, aging-related issues, clinical communication, telemedicine, and e-health.

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Scientific achievements of the Section

NUMBER OF MEMBERS as of 13/10/2024 – 644

Scientific articles with IF
  1. Assessment of primary care physicians’ knowledge of chronic kidney disease in Poland. Jazienicka-Kiełb A, Babicki M, Krajewska M, Oko A, Kłoda K, Mastalerz-Migas A. Front Public Health. 2022 Oct 20;10:1032240. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1032240. eCollection 2022. IF – 5,2.
  2. Teleconsultation as a Modern Form of Health Care Service in the Case of Poland: Assessment of Its Potential Use from the Perspective of Health Care Providers and Patients. Lubomski J, Malchrzak W, Babicki M, Kłoda K, Suwała S, Mastalerz-Migas A. Telemed J E Health. 2024 Jan;30(1):234-241. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2023.0204. Epub 2023 Jul 5. PMID: 37406293. IF – 2,8.
  3. Weight stigma and fat phobia in Poland – attitudes towards people living with obesity and the level of knowledge about obesity among the social media internet respondents and medical professionals. Świder K, Baska A, Babicki M, Mastalerz-Migas A, Kłoda K. Front Nutr. 2023 Oct 9;10:1287783. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1287783. eCollection 2023. IF – 4,0.
  4. Maladaptive Eating Behaviours, Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Depression Severity: A Comparative Study between Adult Women with Overweight, Obesity, and Normal Body Mass Index Range. Witaszek T, Babicki M, Brytek-Matera A, Mastalerz-Migas A, Kujawa K, Kłoda K. Nutrients. 2023 Dec 26;16(1):80. doi: 10.3390/nu16010080. IF – 4,8.
  5. Is Obesity a Cause for Shame? Weight Bias and Stigma among Physicians, Dietitians, and Other Healthcare Professionals in Poland-A Cross-Sectional Study. Baska A, Świder K, Zgliczyński WS, Kłoda K, Mastalerz-Migas A, Babicki M. Nutrients. 2024 Mar 29;16(7):999. doi: 10.3390/nu16070999. IF – 4,8.
  6. The impact of lifestyle, measured with the HLPCQ questionnaire on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Poland: a multicenter study. Babicki M, Kłoda K, Ledwoch J, Janiak S, Krzyżanowski F, Zieliński T, Grabska P, Gajowiak D, Malchrzak W, Mastalerz-Migas A. Sci Rep. 2024 May 2;14(1):10070. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-60866-1. IF – 3,8.
  7. Association between Symptoms of Depression and Generalised Anxiety Disorder Evaluated through PHQ-9 and GAD-7 and Anti-Obesity Treatment in Polish Adult Women. Witaszek T, Kłoda K, Mastalerz-Migas A, Babicki M. Nutrients. 2024; 16(15):2438. doi: 10.3390/nu16152438. IF – 4,8.
  8. Self-medication of adults and children in Poland – results from outpatient health care physicians online questionnaire. Kłoda K, Babicki M, Biesiada A, Gałązka-Sobotka M, Kowalska-Bobko I, Mastalerz-Migas A. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 15:1413811. doi: 0.3389/fphar.2024.1413811. IF – 4,4.
  9. Prevalence of Obesity among Polish Primary Care Population Considered Healthy. Babicki M, Kłoda K, Ledwoch J, Malchrzak W, Janiak S, Krzyżanowski F, Zieliński T, Grabska P, Gajowiak D, Pokorna-Kałwak D, Mastalerz-Migas A. Nutrients. 2024; 16(17):2973. doi: 10.3390/nu16172973. IF – 4,8.
  10. Frequency of Group A Streptococcus Infection and Analysis of Antibiotic Use in Patients with Pharyngitis—A Retrospective, Multicenter Study. Biała M, Babicki M, Malchrzak W, Janiak S, Gajowiak D, Żak A, Kłoda K, Gibas P, Ledwoch J, Myśliwiec A, et al. Pathogens. 2024; 13(10):846. doi: 10.3390/pathogens13100846. IF – 3,3.


IF total 42,7

  1. Report “The Role of Self-Medication in a Health Value Oriented Care System.” Scientific Editor Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka. Authors: Babicki M, Biesiada A, Bochenek T et al. Collaboration with the Institute of Healthcare Management at Lazarski University.
    Conducting research by the Scientific Section of PTMR, the results of which were included in the report and provided a reference point for the recommendations issued.




National Convention Reports (PTMR Congresses - Scientific Session)
  1. Assessing primary care physicians’ knowledge of chronic kidney disease in Poland. Alicja Jazienicka-Kiełb, Mateusz Babicki, Magdalena Krajewska, Andrzej Oko, Karolina Kłoda, Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas. XI CONGRESS OF THE POLISH SOCIETY OF FAMILY MEDICINE | WROCŁAW | October 14-16, 2022.
  2. Circulating myths about statins most commonly encountered by physicians. Agata Hendzel, Filip Krzyżanowski, Karolina Kłoda, Mateusz Babicki, Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas. XII CONGRESS OF THE POLISH SOCIETY OF FAMILY MEDICINE | WROCŁAW | October 6-8, 2023.
  3. Physicians’ attitudes toward chronic pain management – what does physicians’ interruption of pain management survey completion tell us – preliminary results. Agnieszka Matusiak-Jońska, Aleksander Biesiada, Karolina Kłoda, Mateusz Babicki, Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas. XII CONGRESS OF THE POLISH SOCIETY OF FAMILY MEDICINE | WROCŁAW | October 6-8, 2023.
  4. Why do we ask about dating? Stigmatization of people with obesity in Poland. Karolina Świder, Alicja Baska, Mateusz Babicki, Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, Karolina Kłoda. XII CONGRESS OF THE POLISH SOCIETY OF FAMILY MEDICINE | WROCŁAW | October 6-8, 2023 – Awarded paper – 3rd place in the Scientific Session competition.
  5. Evaluation of healthy lifestyle and self-monitoring and their impact on risk assessment of cardiovascular events. Filip Krzyżanowski, Justyna Ledwoch, Tomasz Zieliński, Patrycja Grabska, Dominik Gajkowiak, Sandra Janiak, Wojciech Malchrzak, Karolina Kłoda, Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, Mateusz Babicki. XII CONGRESS OF THE POLISH SOCIETY OF FAMILY MEDICINE | WROCŁAW | October 6-8, 2023.
Convention Reports - 29th WONCA Europe Conference 2024
  1. Are they afraid – the assessment of knowledge and attitude towards pain treatment of family physicians in Poland. Matusiak-Jońska A, Biesiada A, Babicki M, Mastalerz-Migas A, Kłoda K. Presentation: e-poster.
  2. The HLPCQ and cardiovascular disease preventive programme results in primary health care patients in Poland. Babicki M, Kłoda K, Ledwoch J, Janiak S, Krzyżanowski F, Zieliński T, Grabska P, Gajowiak D, Malchrzak W, Mastalerz-Migas A. Presentation: e-poster.
  3. Adult Vaccination Schedule for General Practitioners and their Patients as the for the First Time Developed Tool in Poland. Biesiada A, Nitsch-Osuch A, Babicki M, Zawodnik D, Malchrzak W, Gręblowski P, Lekarczyk A, Kłoda K, Mastalerz-Migas A. Presentation: Short Lecture Presentation.
  4. Coordinated Care in Primary Health Care – Polish Implementation and Its International Impact. Biesiada A, Babicki M, Zawodnik D, Kłoda K, Mastalerz-Migas A. Presentation: Lecture Presentation.
Organization of Scientific Poster Sessions at PTMR Congresses from 2022 onwards
  1. 2022 – XI PTMR Congress – oral presentations (11 abstracts)
  2. 2023 – XII PTMR Congress – poster presentations (28 abstracts) with competitive proceedings
  3. 2024 – XIII PTMR Congress – poster presentations with competitive proceedings

Projects conducted within the Scientific Section of the PTMR

Completed projects
  1. „Teleconsultation as a modern form of providing medical services in Poland”
    Supervisors: Szymon Suwała, MD, PhD, Jan Lubomski, MD, Mateusz Babicki, MD, PhD
  2. „Assessment of eating behavior in overweight or obese patients”
    Supervisor: Tomasz Witaszek, MD
  3. „Analysis of the phenomenon of stigmatization of people with obesity diseases”
    Supervisor: Karolina Świder, MD
  4. „Health condition and dietary habits among Poles previously untreated for cardiovascular diseases”
    Supervisor: Mateusz Babicki, MD, PhD
Ongoing projects
  1. „Myths about statins”
    Supervisor: Agata Hendzel, MD
  2. „Doctors’ attitudes toward chronic pain management”
    Supervisor: Agnieszka Jońska, MD
  3. „Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease among patients with risk factors in Primary Health Care in Poland”
    Supervisor: Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
  4. „Analysis of opinions and experiences of PCPs on antibiotic prescribing and the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance”
    Supervisor: Karolina Kłoda, MD, PhD
Institutional cooperation
  1. „The role of self-medication in a health value-oriented system of care” – completed project
    On behalf of the Section: Karolina Kłoda, MD, PhD, Mateusz Babicki, MD, PhD, Aleksander Biesiada, MD
    Supervisor::Lazarski University in Warsaw
  2. „Frequency of group A Streptococcus infection and analysis of antibiotic use in patients with pharyngitis” – ongoing project
    On behalf of the Section: Karolina Kłoda, MD, PhD, Mateusz Babicki, MD, PhD, Aleksander Biesiada, MD, Wojciech Malchrzak, MD, PhD, Sandra Janiak, MD, Dominik Gajowiak, MD, Alan Żak, MD, Piotr Gibas, MD, Justyna Ledwoch, MD, Anna Myśliwiec, MD, Daria Kopyt, MD, Anna Węgrzyn, MD
    Supervisor: Department of Infectious Diseases, Liver Diseases and Acquired Immune Deficiencies of the Medical University of Wroclaw

You are invited to contact us at the email address:

Konsultant krajowa w dziedzinie medycyny rodzinnej dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, prof. UMW

Konsultant krajowa
w dziedzinie medycyny rodzinnej
dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, prof. UMW

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